All of us are staying in homes as 21 days lockdown is processing in the nation. As everything stopped suddenly, daily wagers from different states are rushing back to their native place.
Seven tribal migrant laborers have set an example of self-awareness. The laborers have returned from Chennai to Purulia district in Kolkata have quarantine themselves on trees.

Their families live in a small mud-hut and have no individual rooms they realized their presence can invite danger to their family members as well. None of them entered their village.
All seven laborers are from Bhangidih village and arrived in Kharagpur last Sunday on the day of Janta Curfew. They consulted the doctor and no one found to be infected but the doctor advised them to self-quarantine for 14 days. We arrived outside our village on Monday but did not enter there.
They contacted their friends and relatives and got all the required arrangements to stay on branches of the trees. In an interview with TOI, Bijoy Sing Laya, one of the laborers, said:
“Now we are on our own, we will be staying here comfortably maintaining all rules. In the morning we are served breakfast here. In the afternoon and evening, we are served with rice. Water is also available here. We also have a stove to boil the water and cook food.”
They are also not allowing their family members to touch the utensils. They wash it using soap and keep it back on the ground before we climb up again.
Setting a unique example of self-awareness, seven tribal migrant labourers, who returned to West Bengal's Purulia district from Chennai, quarantined themselves on one banyan and two mango trees.#CoronavirusLockdown #21daylockdown
— TheMorningStandard (@TheMornStandard) March 29, 2020
Kudos to them. On other hand we have some supposedly educated and well to do people who are habitual offenders, first hiding the travel history and then throwing tantrums with hospital authorities. @TheKanikakapoor via @timesofindia
— Jagdish Meghnani, CA, CFA, CPA 🇮🇳 (@JagdishMeghnani) March 28, 2020
Compare this against the actions of our so-called "elite" insisting on socialising, lacking any basic sense of social responsibility.
West Bengal migrant labourers who returned to village quarantine themselves on tree branches via @NewIndianXpress— Tania Saeed (@taniasaeed) March 28, 2020
Dhrubapada Shandilya, the block development officer of Balarampur, said no compliment was enough for the seven men. He said — We are also thinking of how the local administration can help them.
The deadly virus has infected more 6,50,000 worldwide and more than 30,000 died. In India too, the coronavirus is spreading and more than 1,000 people are infected and 27 lost the battle.