A place to share knowledge and better understand the world or simple Quora on Monday said that around 100 million were affected by unauthorised access. On Friday Quora discovered that one of the systems was hacked by “a malicious third party,” CEO Adam D’Angelo said in the blog post.
The information includes name, email, encrypted password and also the data which may have imported from the other social network as well. Hackers also obtained the details about Question, Answer, Upvotes, Downvotes, but anonymous written question and answer are not affected.

We are in the process of notifying users whose data has been compromised and logging them out,” Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo said in a blog post.
I knew I’d get owned for having an account on this stupid website pic.twitter.com/Tro7ak4TRq
— Chris Welch (@chriswelch) December 4, 2018
A notification for consumers about a breach of this scope of data about our use of a service through “unauthorized access“ to your systems “by a malicious third party” isn’t a “security update,” @quora https://t.co/UcZG3NA2Tw It’s a data breach. I appreciate the email, & but wow. pic.twitter.com/gMym1HIjN0
— Alex Howard (@digiphile) December 4, 2018
He said we have identified the root cause and are now taking steps while the investigation is going. We are taking steps to make security improvements.

In the series of the data breach, Quora is the latest to hit. Last week Hotel chain Marriott was attacked with the same. They say that the data of around 500 million users have been compromised.
Another high profile case was of Facebook. The Yahoo was the biggest of all compromising the personal information of around 3 billion customers accounts.