Since the last few days, Pollachi Sex Scandal has shocked India. The crime was going on from 2012 but came in light in the last few days. One 19-year-old girl reported the crime and after that, the crime started to unfold.
Number of victims according to police are around 50 but, some reports say number are more than 200 and around 1100 videos were found on the criminal’s phone.
Here is everything about Pollachi Sex Scandal
Police says crimes go unreported as the victims didn’t come forward in fear of shame. As of now, only one case is reported against them.
In the wake of a serious scandal, a girl shared a heartwarming post on Facebook, the words which her mother told her.
A girl named Namrata Moorthy from Coimbatore expected a call from her family asking her a girl named Namrata Moorthy from Coimbatore, which almost every Indian family does.
Instead, her mother came with some brave heart touching words:
“I know you are staying away from family and I always believe that I brought up the strongest girl! No matter what dad and I are gonna be there for you! If anyone blackmails you with your picture or video just tell them to do whatever they want coz it’s just mere flesh that every other girl in the world posses and this will never bring any shame to us! I am ready to face anything that comes on your way! ”
This is a type of support every woman must be getting from there family. If family extend such strong support girls will be able to speak out about harassment which will surely able to help to decrease such crimes.