After the deadly terror attack, in the Pulwama whole nation stands as one. The nation in one voice demanded from the Government to take revenge and take strict action on terror. Indian on 26th February launched pre-emptive air strikes across the LoC, against militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed.
Since then, tension between the two nations is on high. In such a critical situation the whole country stands as one but, BJP’s Karnataka chief BS Yeddyurappa is trying to make it a political gain.
He has given a controversial statement and told that the IAF strikes will help BJP win 22 seats in Karnataka in the coming election.

NDTV reported that Y S Yeddyurappa said:
The atmosphere….day-by-day the wind is increasingly blowing in favour of the BJP. Yesterday’s action of destroying terror hideouts by entering inside Pakistan has resulted in a pro-Modi wave in the country, the results of which can be seen in coming Lok Sabha polls.
Not just oppositions but Yeddyurappa colleagues didn’t agree with his statement and everyone on Twitter came together to remind him about the statement.
Shocking & disgusting to understand #BJPsPlot4Vote. It is unfortunate that @BJP4India is calculating electoral gains even before the dust has settled. No patriot shall derive such sadistic gains over soldiers’ death, only a anti-nationalist can.
What will RSS say about this?— Siddaramaiah (@siddaramaiah) February 28, 2019
If BJP even wins a single seat in Karnataka after this horrible statement, it will be shameful for us as a voter. #BringBackAbhinandan
— A Thousand Thoughts (@1000_Thoughts) February 28, 2019
The entire nation is united in supporting the central govt&our armed forces to fight terrorism,while #Bjp leader @BSYBJP is busy calculating howmany extra LS seats the terror attack&Pak war can bring to his party. It’s shameful to exploit our jawans’ sacrifice for electoral gains
— H D Kumaraswamy (@hd_kumaraswamy) February 28, 2019
इनसे हर मुद्दे पर राजनीति करवा लो।।।
और विपक्ष देशहित के सवाल भी अगर पूछे तो कहेंगे विपक्ष राजनीति कर रहा है।।।
हम तो बस इतना जानते हैं कि हमें जल्द से जल्द अपना बहादुर पायलट आजाद चाहिए
वरना सौ सांसद भी नहीं आएंगे 2019 में।वादा है देश की जनता का सत्ताधारियों से#Abhinandan— Monu (@Janul14322135) February 28, 2019
Read: Updates Of India-Pakistan
Can you please just keep quiet in such tense situation when we are losing our soldiers. Politics you can play and do once the situation is normal. Have some decency please.
— Ajayendra Pal (@AjayendraPal) February 28, 2019
Shocking & Shameful that in this time of grave National Crisis, BJP Leader Yeddyurappa says #airstrikes will help BJP win 22 Lok Sabha seats in Karnataka.
Will ruling party leaders stop thinking about their reelection plans and focus on the country for once?— CPI (M) (@cpimspeak) February 28, 2019
.@BSYBJP ji, I beg to differ. We stand as one nation, action taken by our government is to safeguard our nation & ensure safety of our citizens, not to win a few extra seats.
This speech by Atal ji highlights our position:
— Vijay Kumar Singh (@Gen_VKSingh) February 28, 2019
In fact, the ruling party in Pakistan also took note to it and shared it on Twitter. Such a shame.
Took two days to reveal the political game behind sending two nuclear armed nations into an escalated tension situation. It’s about 22 seats. In this day and age, no agendas remain hidden. Take note India and #SayNoToWar!#LetBetterSensePrevail
— PTI (@PTIofficial) February 28, 2019
After Yeddyurappa face backlash for his insensitive statement, he on Twitter came up with an explanation.
My statement is being reported out of context. I said that ‘situation favourable for BJP’ which i am saying for last couple of months. This is not first time that i said BJP in Karnataka will win minimum 22 seats under the able leadership of Modi ji.
— B.S. Yeddyurappa (@BSYBJP) February 28, 2019
In such a tensed situation, when the whole country is together with our soldiers this type of statement can only come out of immaturity. It’s a shame how Yeddyurappa is connecting it to politics and calculating seats out of it.