New Year is the start of new beginnings for many. We are just at the start of a new decade and have hardly seen anything this year. Yet, today morning many woke up with World War 3, Trump and Iran trending simultaneously on Twitter.
Here is how things took place. The US compound in Baghdad was attacked by around 6000 demonstrators who were angry about the deaths of militia members in US airstrikes. Followed by a threat to Iran from US President Donald Trump saying that Iran will pay a very big price for the attack on the US embassy. And then the airstrike that has apparently killed top Iranian General Qassim Suleimani in Baghdad.

The Pentagon in a statement cleared that the Airstrike is done after the order by President Trump:
“General Suleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Suleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.”
Later, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed “severe revenge” after the United States killed General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force.
And later with Twitter, you can only expect jokes and memes and it exactly goes the same way with jokes and memes related to World War 3.
Me and the guys linking up in jail after refusing the draft for world war 3
— Oluwa Farmer 🐐 (@oluwafarmer) January 3, 2020
Me when i’m out battling in World War 3 and my gun runs out of ammo:— Ace 🦋 (@CxrlAce) January 3, 2020
Everyone on twitter laughing at the world war 3 memes like
— Karol (@malphhas) January 3, 2020
i’m laughing at all these world war 3 jokes but lowkey worried..
— ya dig? (@ezzygarciaa) January 3, 2020
Me playing dead after the first shot fired in world war 3
— Anthony (@jamaican_best) January 3, 2020
“They’re saying there might be a World War 3… It’s crazy cause ever since we stopped talking I’ve been at war with myself”
— Mark AZ (@markazbeats) January 3, 2020
Me during the psych evaluation so there’s no way they draft me for World War 3
— LIL UZI SQUIRT (@Fonzo_Ball) January 3, 2020
US Government: So explain what exactly is stopping you from participating in world war 3?
— YUNG クリス✨🌱 (@YungKurisu) January 3, 2020
2020 is gonna *Sees world war 3
be the best year trending 2 days
ever! Into 2020*— Nico Hischier and Gio Urshela SZN (@Gio_Nico_SZN) January 3, 2020
When i run outta bullets in World War 3
— Tamp🌴1️⃣K (@Tamp1nek) January 3, 2020
my mom taking my pic before i get deployed for world war 3
— hayley 👺 (@troncxt) January 3, 2020
All the other countries looking At the United States & Iran gettin ready to start World War 3
— ✞ (@WeSmokingGas) January 3, 2020
*7 minutes after getting kidnapped during world war 3*
me:— kingslayer (@knicksreek) January 3, 2020
Me after I get drafted for World War 3 and run out of ammo
— Ismael 🦜 (@El_Ismael701) January 3, 2020
Me: 2020 is going to be my year
World war 3:
— 🛸 (@Iovelydevil) January 3, 2020
Me on my first mission at World War 3 #WWIII Iran
— Brian Odido 🇰🇪 (@odidoowen) January 3, 2020
Me laughing at all the World War 3 jokes and memes then realizing it could actually happen
— ً (@babygirlxsinner) January 3, 2020
Pulling up to world war 3 asi bien chakalosa 🤠
— jerry (@gerardomun0z) January 3, 2020
Last days of 2019:
Well, that was fucking heinous. Glad this year is over.2 days into 2020:
Australia is on fire, Trump starts World War 3.— 🔥 Fiona Adorno💧 (@FionaAdorno) January 3, 2020
Me omw to Canada after seeing world war 3 trending #WW3 #iran
— mana (@7Manaa) January 3, 2020
Australia is still burning
And now world war 3 is trending
2020 is telling everyone to hold its beer— BossLogic (@Bosslogic) January 3, 2020
People: Trump why did you start World War 3?
— Prison Mikey (@PrisonMike30) January 3, 2020
“stop making jokes about world war 3, this is serious”
— Brenna (@HumanBrennapede) January 3, 2020