Amazon is the world’s leading multinational technology company. The company mainly focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world.

Jeff Bezos recently announced that he donated $98.2 million to the 32 organizations in the USA to help homeless people. Looking as a commoner, it is a huge amount. However, as pointed out by Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party in the UK, that’s 0.09% of his entire wealth.
That’s 0.09% of your net worth.
Just pay your taxes.
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) November 24, 2019
The U.K. Labour party leader has openly and frequently criticized Jeff Bezos and Amazon over the company’s low tax bills in the past. US President Donald Trump has also criticized Amazon for taking advantage of various tax breaks to lower the company’s tax obligations.
Jeff Bezos could buy a $150,000 house for every homeless person in America and still have almost $20 BILLION in personal wealth
— Carl Gibson (@crgibs) November 23, 2019
#jeffbezos can only give millions to charities because he pays fuckall tax and pays his staff poorly. If he paid proper tax and paid his staff better sure he’d have to scrape by on a few million a year but I’m sure everyone would be better off.
— James (@StarmanJames) November 25, 2019
Jeff Bezos makes $60,000 every 24 seconds.
Every 24 seconds, he adds a living wage to his bank account.
Every second, he makes enough money to feed hundreds of homeless people.
— Sergio Síano 🆘 (@siano4progress) November 25, 2019
#JeffBezos gave $98 million to homeless organizations (which I’m sure are corrupt ones). His donation
Is the equivalent of someone giving $45 if they make $50,000 a year. Plus he doesn’t pay any taxes.— Charolette (@exhale_chaos) November 26, 2019
Avoids billions in TAX, but gives 90odd million to charity.
He taketh the piss. #JeffBezos
— Martin Linklater (@fizzychicken) November 25, 2019