Section 377 Ends: Supreme Court Historic Verdict, LGBT Community Celebrating.

Creating homosexual relations between two adults in India is no longer a crime. The Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Deepak Mishra, on Thursday, abolished Section 377 of the consent of homosexual relations between the two adults, considered to be a crime. The Supreme Court has said that Section 377 has been declared arbitrary and to honour the personal selection.

After the verdict of the Supreme Court, people of the LGBT community are celebrating.

Section 377 describes the ‘unnatural sexual relations’ as a crime. According to this, whoever commits sexual relations with any man, woman or animal, following the law of nature, could have been sentenced to life imprisonment or imprisonment for ten years or fine.

The NGO Foundation first raised this issue in the Delhi High Court in 2001. The High Court had declared consent to amend the provision related to it by excluding gay sex between the two adults from the category of crime.