Eight months after the girl was gang-raped in a Dehradun boarding school by 4 seniors, some disturbing details are revealed about the case.

The incident happened in August 2018 in Dehradun but came into light a month later in September after several attempts by school authorities to hide it.
According to The Print, the girl was confined to a room and force-fed a concoction of herbs, chillies and papaya till she began suffering cramps and vomiting.

The 14-year-old was confined to a room for about a week after the school authorities learnt about her pregnancy. All this happened to save the reputation of the school. After all the efforts by the school authorities failed, they took the girl to the hospital and that was the case exposed.
Following the case, School’s CBSE affiliation was cancelled. But, the school got the State Board permission and are running till class 8th and had shut down girl’s hostel.