According to a study, conducted Worldwide by unified lawyers revels that India has the lowest divorce rate in the world.
#Divorce Rate by Country: The World’s 10 Most and Least Divorced Nations #India the lowest divorce rate …hmm!
— Samir Saran (@samirsaran) January 30, 2019
The reports say in every 1,000 marriages, only 13 ends up in divorce. At most time divorce case happens in love marriage than compared to arrange marriages. This might be a piece of good news if we were living a few years back. In the 21st century, the case shouldn’t be the same.

The big question is — are those 99% happily married or married.?
If couples aren’t happy, the majority doesn’t see divorce a significant option as it involves lots of hassle and it starts from the family itself. Explaining and convincing the family members about it is a major task, to what they will come with there own solution to try out rather making out emotion yet correct remarks “Log Kya Kahenenge” “Badnami hogi.”
According to the study, Hindu have the lowest divorce rate, equaling Indian divorce rate of 1%.
The country’s huge population still lives in an urban area where majorly contributes to the low divorce rate of the country. There is still a tremendous part of the country where neither Police nor court could help out the individual. To take such fearless decision being alone faces a major financial problem, own family not standing by in some case. Few tend to continue because of children.

This could have be a good news but, the Internet was quick to find the pin point reason behind the stats.
India, the land of unhappy marriages
— Shivam Vij (@DilliDurAst) January 31, 2019
Low divorce rate can mean the other way round too.
Indian women’s are not empowered that much that they can take such actions and are being suppressed continuously.#JustSaying— Shiv شیو (@KaulShiv) January 31, 2019
Of indian women aren’t empowered to ask for divorce, what about men? Aren’t they even empowered to ask for it??? If yes then what’s the matter of concern that they both want to live together?
— Mohammad Mohsin (@M_mohsin3) January 31, 2019
Could be more to do with NO #financialIndependence, especially of women from poor families!
The social cage is another matter to consider.
— urban hermit (@skmajee) January 31, 2019
High Divorce rate can be interpreted as people’s empowerment to take decisions on their life and less culturally and socially obliged
— rukesh veera (@rukeshveera) January 31, 2019
The Major Reason.
Reason 1 : log kya kahenge
Reason 2 : courts that drags cases for years. Forget divorce even #Mandir
Reason 3 : not enough courts/judges— विभात् (@vibhaath) January 31, 2019
The Indian women do suffer in bad marriages because they do not have financial independence. Look around factfully and you will be surprised.
— Sanjay (@Sanjay14978981) January 31, 2019
Low divorce rate can mean the other way round too.
Indian women’s are not empowered that much that they can take such actions and are being suppressed continuously.#JustSaying— Shiv شیو (@KaulShiv) January 31, 2019
Hopefully, we Indians can take the right message from this, which is that our divorce rates are unhealthily low. Hopefully, we can move to a system where people don’t feel compelled to stay in unhealthy, unhappy marriages due to social and financial pressures.
— Reuben Abraham (@nebuer42) January 31, 2019
Or maybe the land where people make marriages and commitment work?
— vj (@urbanyogi_26) January 31, 2019
1% in india shows woman not able to stand up against the domestic abuse which is a household happening for years
— No Name (@D_Infiltrator) January 31, 2019