An Umbrella Blocked An Office Entrance For Two Days

At a rented WeWork office space, an employee forgets its umbrella on Friday and on Monday employees way to get in the office was blocked. A black coloured umbrella was blocking the door from inside.

WeShare is a start-up which allows the individual and companies to share office space. After the 4 colleagues tried everything they could for half-n-hour and failed to open the door. They contacted the WeWork’s management to get the solution.

At first instance, WeWork tried similar ways to open which the employees tried. WeWork failed to get any proper solution to open. Next day WeWork called an engineer and he too failed.

Umbrella Blocked Office Entrance For two days

Meanwhile, it went viral on the Internet. And suggestion started to come in from all the ways and later, a meme.

On Tuesday, WeWork probably took notice. Workmen came and drilled a hole on the roof of the space to insert a wire. It worked, Umbrellar removed and the office reopened.