Twitter Is Describing Self-Quarantine As #SelfQuarantineIn5Words

Who would have thought that in 2020 the world will be sitting at home? The deadly coronavirus has done this. Most of the countries are in lockdown mode and the government told to self-quarantine everyone.

The virus started in China and has now reached everywhere. The novel virus has affected almost each and every country on the Globe. The deadly virus has infected more 6,50,000 worldwide and more than 30,000 died. In India too, the coronavirus is spreading and more than 1,000 people are infected and 27 lost the battle.


Every one in self-quarantine has so much of time with absolutely nothing to do in real. People are trying one or the other things and praying to let these days pass as early as possible. However, Twitterati’s describing the self-quarantine.

Here is how Twitter defined self-quarantine in 5 words using humor.