French Fries is a dish which tops everyone’s list. Either hungry or not, starting with few and ending with lots of them is a lovely story which often we experience. French fries is everyone’s favourite. Attacking Fries is attacking to the person directly.
Eric Rimm, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says six fries a meal is enough. He also called the potato a “Starch Bomb.”
In his opinion, it would be nice if your meal came with a side salad and six French fries.
Seriously, Six French fries in a meal, that’s a bite if no one is around. Twitter was absolutely berserk at him.
And want them so hot that they almost, almost burn my mouth,,tons of ketchup, oh yeah
— Janet Fullington (@starfanjan) December 4, 2018
We are on same train.
Seriously. I average 6 fries a bite.
— Zac Thomas (@ZacPThomas) December 3, 2018
Just saw something that said you’re only supposed to eat SIX french fries in one sitting. I’ve never felt so attacked.
— Allison Viray (@AllisonViray) December 3, 2018
I feel personally attacked and refuse to accept this.
— Rumneeek (@rumneeek) December 4, 2018
Alternative found.
I’ll have six french fries, please.
— Courtney Theriault (@cspotweet) December 5, 2018
If we’re only supposed to eat six french fries per serving I’ve overeaten
*checks math*
one zillion french fries— Charlene deGuzman (@charstarlene) December 5, 2018
— Ruben Jaramillo (@DakTrashcott) December 4, 2018
Blocked and reported.
— Michael Arnovitz (@MichaelArnovitz) December 5, 2018
That and absolutely no other reason is why I’ll never go to Harvard.
— Ray Fallon (@RVFallon27) December 5, 2018
I don’t have time for this kind of negativity in my life right now
— Padma Lakshmi (@PadmaLakshmi) December 4, 2018
— Yana Leigh (@lillefantom) December 4, 2018
Merry Booksmas
(@MaryG0401) December 5, 2018
Studies show only 6 people care about what a Harvard study says, and were buying a large fry tonight!
— Sumdumfuk
(@Bananahandsss) December 4, 2018
— Dana Goldberg (@DGComedy) December 5, 2018
But 1,000 servings a day, right?
— Gwyn Pearce (@coocooley) December 4, 2018