The internet helps in knowing so many different fascinating things which without the online world could be a tough ask. Since day 1, most of the people living in different parts of India know Chutia as a slang.
How many of you know Chutia is a community?
A very minimal or nil. And here is what we get if we Google the same word.

In the northeastern state Assam, The same Chutia is not slang. It is a community. And a company has rejected a woman’s application asking her to use the proper name. She was applying a online job application at government-run National Seed Corporation Limited (NSCL) because of her surname – Chutia.
Priyanka urged people from her community to work on getting their identity recognized rather than fighting over petty issues on Facebook.
She then mailed the help desk of the organization, she received a system-generated mail. A day later, her registration was accepted but she was unable to move ahead with the job application due to other problems.
“I am unable to move ahead and apply for the job as other problems cropped up. I don’t know how to fix it,” She said.

The technical help desk at NSCL said that they were aware of the technical flaw. “There was a technical flaw in the code filtration of the name of the candidates which was rectified in early stages,” NSCL said in an email statement.
Chutia (also spelled as Sutiya) is an ethnic group from Assam. It is pronounced as ‘Sutiya’. Today, most of the Chutia people reside in Upper Assam districts and a fair amount is found in Lower Assam and Barak valley.
The Chutia community, through the Chutia dynasty, formed their kingdom in the present-day Indian states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh and reigned from 1187 to 1673.